- This event has passed.
2024 Year 7-8 Japanese Recital Competition (ALTERED EVENT)
7 June 2024
FreeYear 7-8 Recital Competition
A competition in which entrants memorise an authentic, pre-selected Japanese text and recite it without notes.
Who: Year 7-8 students of Japanese. Schools may enter a maximum of 5 entrants across both categories (eg, schools may enter 2 beginners and 3 continuers, or 5 continuers, or 5 beginners, or 1 beginner and 4 continuers). Schools will need to carefully read the category definitions and choose the most appropriate category for their students.
Schools must be a member of JLTASA to enter.
The in-person event has been cancelled for 2024. Schools already registered for the in-person event may film their student reciting the text in front of a live audience (eg a class at school) and submit as an online entry. Online entries now close Friday 7th June.
For online entries, please complete and submit your entry (including file upload of the video) here. The school name and student name must be included in the file name.
Category Explanation
Entrants in this category will be fairly new to speaking Japanese, eg having commenced their Japanese studies either this year or last, with minimal experience in the Primary Years, if at all.
Entrants in this category will have had experience speaking Japanese throughout Primary School, and/or, have had continued/consistent exposure this year or last at High School.
Are not eligible for this competition.
Year 7-8 Recital Script
Beginners’ at slow pace:
Beginners’ at natural speed:
Continuers’ at slow pace:
Continuers’ at natural speed: