JLTASA is committed to supporting teachers and schools to advocate for and be excellent practitioners in Japanese language education. To this end JLTASA provides a number of opportunities for schools and teachers to receive funding towards student engagement, Japanese Professional Learning, educational activities and resources. Please see below for our grants available to current JLTASA members.
2024’s Grant Writeups:
Grants for Student Based Activities
Funding is offered for events supporting the teaching and learning of Japanese in schools.
Examples of events that are considered for funding:
1. School based cultural days.
2. Hub Group events such as Hiragana competitions.*
Amount of funding:
Typically $250.00-$500 but applications for greater funds will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Frequency: Ongoing beginning Term 1 and concluding Week 5 of Term 4 each year.
Applicant must be an individual or institutional member of the JLTASA.
*Please note for Hub Group grants, the majority of recipients of the benefit of the grant should be JLTASA members.
Complete Application Form
Grants for School Based Advocacy Projects
Advocacy for the teaching and learning of Japanese is an ongoing aspect of the role of a Japanese language teacher.
Setting up authentic Japanese style classrooms and gardens has become an active approach to advocate for Japanese language learning in a visual way to the school and local community. We recognise that many schools do not have access to funds that allow them to set up these spaces. This grant aims to assist with the costs.
Examples of projects that will be considered for funding include the purchase of:
1. items for a Japanese garden for example; bamboo screens, plants, paint for murals, lanterns, gravel, rocks etc
2. items for creating authentic Japanese style classrooms for example: screens, cushions, low tables, etc
3. materials for creating a mural eg paint
4. materials for creating school signage in Japanese
5. materials/items to create a display cabinet for the front office
6. materials/items to set up a Japanese style meeting room for guests/visitors
Applicants must commit to sharing photos and details of their purchases with the JLTASA members through the website and Facebook page.
Amount of funding:
Typically $250-$500 but applications for greater funds will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The applying school:
1. Must be a member of JLTASA either as an individual or institutional member.
2. A registered teacher in South Australia currently working as a permanent or contract teacher in a school in South Australia.
Complete Application Form
Teacher Professional Learning Grants
Funding is offered for teachers who wish to pursue learning to further their own knowledge and proficiency in Japanese or who wish to develop their own pedagogical practice.
Examples of Professional Learning:
1. Japanese Language Proficiency Test
2. Further postgraduate study (not undergraduate studies).
3. National Symposium of Japanese Language Education.
4. Events offered by the Japan Foundation, Sydney (or Japan).
Applicants must be able to demonstrate links in their professional learning to the AITSL standards for teachers. They must also commit to sharing their professional knowledge in one or more of the following ways:
1. Holding a workshop at the JLTASA Annual Conference.
2. Writing a short paper detailing the major learning points for distribution to our members and on our website.
Please note that funding is not offered for the JLTASA Annual Conference or other teacher events unless otherwise specified.
Amount of funding:
Typically $250.00 but applications for greater funds will be considered on a case by case basis.
Frequency: Ongoing beginning Term 1 and concluding Week 5 of Term 4 each year.
The applicant must satisfy all of the following:
1. Must be a JLTASA Individual or Institutional member.
2. A registered teacher in South Australia
3. Must have taught Japanese at Primary or Secondary level in the last 12 months or commence teaching Japanese at Primary or Secondary level within 6 months of completion of the Professional Learning.
Complete Application Form
Travel to JLTASA Student Events
The JLTASA provides a wonderful range of activities for students from Middle Primary School to Senior Secondary School however we recognise that many country schools are disadvantaged in attending our events due to geographical location.
This grant aims to assist with travel costs to and from our student events.
Amount of funding:
Typically up to $250.00 but applications for greater funds will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Ongoing beginning Term 1 and concluding Week 5 of Term 4 each year.
The applying school:
1. Must be a member of JLTASA either as an individual or institutional member.
2. Must be able to demonstrate the need for funding, eg, based on socioeconomic status of student cohort or distance from venue
Complete Application Form
AFMLTA Biennial Conference (Adelaide 2025) Grant
Funding is offered to support members to attend the 2025 AFMLTA Conference in Adelaide. As the program is not yet published, you can view the 2023 conference’s program here to get a sense of the type and quantity of sessions on ofer.
We are hoping to offer all JLTASA members a blanket 10% discount to attend the conference – this will be entered during the checkout process. Please note this 10% discount cannot be used in addition to the grants mentioned below.
Please read the citeria below carefully before applying. Application link appears below.
Grants close for application – Monday 10th March 2025, 11.59pm
Successful applicants notified – by Monday 17th March
Successful applicant deadline to register with early bird rate: 1st April
Amount of funding:
25% off ‘early bird’ student rate for student members (full price $400). There are approximately two student grants available.
50% off any ‘early bird’ conference rate for other members. Please note student + non-practising members are not eligible for this 50% grant. There are approximately ten of these grants available.
- Early Bird Full Conference Package (full price $575)
- Saturday Price (full price $420)
- Sunday Price (full price $380)
Eligibility Criteria:
- Financial/current member of JLTASA: either Institutional, Individual or Life
- Currently teaching Japanese in a school
- Consideration will be given to an applicant being an active collaborator within or across languages, and to regional and early career teachers
- Consideration will also be given to applicants from low socioeconomic schools and/or applicants who would be unable to attend the conference without this grant
- Priority will be given to members who have not received a professional learning grant before
- Attend the relevant day/s and event/s associated with your grant
- Write and submit a 500-word report within 2 weeks after the conference
Theme of report: What were your key takeaways from the conference? Which session stood out for you and why?
Application Questions can be viewed at the application form below
If approved, grant recipients register themselves to attend and submit claim for reimbursement for the relevant early bird rate to treasurer@jltasa.asn.au.
Complete AFMLTA Grant Application Form
NSJLE Grant [closed until next symposium in 2026]
Funding is offered to support members attend the NSJLE.
Please read the criteria below carefully before applying. Application link appears below.
Amount of funding:
$401.52 to cover the cost of the early bird registration fee. Six grants available for 2024’s symposium.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Financial member of JLTASA: either Institutional, Individual or Life
NOTE: Student + non-practising members are not eligible for this grant - Currently teaching Japanese in a school
- Consideration will be given to an applicant being an active collaborator within or across languages, and to regional and early career teachers
- Priority will be given to members who have not attended the symposium before and/or received a grant to attend the symposium before
- Attend both days of the symposium
- Write and submit a 500-word report within 2 weeks after the symposium
Theme of report: What were your key takeaways from the symposium? Which session stood out for you and why?
Application Questions (extended response)
1. Why do you wish to attend the symposium?
2. How will your participation in the symposium benefit other Japanese teachers/ members and your school community?
If approved, grant recipients register themselves to attend and submit claim for reimbursement for the $401.52 early bird rate to treasurer@jltasa.asn.au.
NOTE there is no COVID-related symposium cancellation policy. We strongly encourage members to make refundable flight and accommodation bookings so you are not left out of pocket, as JLTASA will not cover costs for teachers who do not end up attending the NSJLE.